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Shigure 投稿 - 2019/08/11 更新 - 2019/08/11 0 Comments 320 Views

Today was a very good day
Today was very good weather
Did you have another good day today?

It’s hard to pretend to be happy when you’re not
I’m just tired of everything
however… Do it! again

Move ahead! Don't back away!
I cannot give up on that
You can take your time
There is plenty of time still

We will do as we want to do
We still have many things that we must do
"Confound her!" I don't think

This is extremely hard
I don't want to do that anymore
however… This is something you have to do

Move ahead! Don't back away!
I cannot give up on that
You can take your time
There is plenty of time still

Move ahead! Don't back away!
I cannot give up on that
You can take your time

Move ahead! Don't back away!
There is no turning back now
We will go forward
We can go anywhere
There is plenty of time still!
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